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30-day free trial includes 3 audiobooks.Read our review to learn more about the service. You can cancel Audible online anytime before your trial ends and you won’t be charged.Ī is an audiobook service similar to Audible where audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content can be purchased individually, or under a subscription model where you receive credits with an membership.Audible will send you an email reminder before your trial ends, that way you won’t have any unexpected charges. If you enjoy your Audible trial, do nothing and your membership will automatically continue.Note: all costs in this guide are in US dollars unless stated otherwise. Audible Premium Plus Annual – 24 Credits: $229.50.Audible Premium Plus Annual – 12 Credits: $149.50.Audible Premium Plus – 2 Credits: $22.95 a month.Audible Premium Plus – 1 Credit: $14.95 a month.Audible Originals and Exclusives (e.g.Unlimited listening with the Audible Plus catalog.Largest audiobook library with 600,000+ titles.