Mobile workspaces
Mobile workspaces

Sara Sutten Fell, the Founder and CEO of FlexJobs cites the top benefits of flexible work policies include: 1) A more productive workforce, 2) Happier, more satisfied employees, 3) Continuity during uncertain business conditions, 4) A wider talent pool, 5) Opening up new sources of talent, 6) Lowered environmental impact, 7) Reduced turnover and hiring costs, and 8) Faster growth. However, there have been numerous studies on the benefits of enabling a mobile workforce - a workforce that can be productive from anywhere. In most cases, this stigma is created because remote employees simply don’t have the access to corporate content that their counterparts in the office have and thus, simply cannot be as productive. In addition to the reasons above, there is also the stigma that employees working from home or in other remote locations are “not working” as they cannot be seen. In many cases, certain apps and data sets that sit behind a corporate firewall are not accessible to employees when not in the office or on a corporate PC. Even employees that have laptops and other mobile devices can struggle to access all of their content when not in the office. While these employees may be granted limited access to certain apps, such as email, when working on a home computer or mobile device, their main productivity machine still sits in a physical location in the office.

mobile workspaces

These managed computers hold all of their corporate apps and data to get their jobs done.

mobile workspaces

Today, many employees must go into an office to use their corporate computers. Being able to see them, make eye contact, draw on a whiteboard, and all of the other things we do during in-person meetings helps us complete projects and engage in our careers. There is no doubt, face time with co-workers is important. To meet and collaborate with colleagues.

mobile workspaces

While there are numerous reasons employees go into an office, if we were to net out the primary drivers, they would break into the following three categories:

#Mobile workspaces drivers

The Primary Drivers for Going Into an Office It started in 2010 when the Federal Government announced their Telework Enhancement Act to save “money by helping government reduce real estate and energy costs and promote management efficiencies makes us more resilient in severe weather and other emergencies improves the quality of employee work-life and increases employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.” And starting on June 30, 2014, employees in the UK will have a legal right to apply for flexible working benefits. So with multiple governments and other organizations making new flexible work arrangements, the “anywhere office” is becoming a real possibility for many organizations. This trend of sending workers home isn’t new, but it is becoming much more common. What do they have in common? Each of these companies is saving millions of dollar annually by shedding office space and allowing employees to work remotely.

Mobile workspaces